Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor
B-104, Dept. of Chemistry
Email: bharat.tandon@cy.iitr.ac.in
Phone: +91-1332-285417
About me
I am an experimental material chemist interested in understanding how semiconductor nanocrystals can be made useful for everyday applications. My focus has been to elucidate how fundamental processes govern the potential of a material in a technological application. Besides work, I enjoy playing badminton and spending time with my family.
At IIT-R, I aim to build a team of enthusiastic researchers who enjoy pursuing science and believe in working smart. I am very open to learning new concepts and venturing into less-explored domains of material science.
Academic Profile
March 2024 onwards: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee
Feb 2022-March 2024: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo
June 2019-Dec 2021: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
July 2013-April 2019: Integrated MSc-Ph.D. in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
July 2010- June 2013: Bachelors in Chemistry, St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi
Honors and Awards
March 2019: International Travel Scholarship, DST-SERB
March 2019: Fostering Science Fellowship, HERCULES Synchrotron School
March 2019: Infosys Foundation Travel Award
August 2017: Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowship, USIEF
August 2017: Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR-NET
June 2015: Best Poster Award, Frontiers in Advanced Materials
August 2015: Junior Research Fellowship, CSIR-NET
June 2013: Mohan Katyal Memorial Prize, St. Stephen's College